disclosure index

Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Index

Apparel, Accessories, & Footwear; Multiline & Specialty Retailers & Distributors
SASB Topic
Accounting Metric
Energy Management in Retail & Distribution
1. Total energy consumed 2. Percentage grid energy 3. Percentage renewable
1. 133,644 MWh 2. 100% 3. 0%
Data Security
Description of approach to identifying and addressing data security risks
We have established physical, electronic, and contractual safeguards to protect the security of customer and employee personal information. Our approach follows the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) security frameworks. We also regularly review and update our privacy policy to ensure consumers have access to relevant information about their rights and how we handle their personal information. In 2023, we expanded our next generation firewall, implemented isolation of web and email items considered as threats, and continued cultivating a culture where all our employees feel responsible for data privacy and security through phishing campaigns, monthly newsletters, and trainings.
Data Security
1. Number of data breaches 2. Percentage involving personally identifiable information 3. Number of customers affected
In 2023, we had zero data breaches directly within our network.
Management of Chemicals in Products
Discussion of processes to maintain compliance with restricted substances regulations
Product, High-Quality, Safe Products Product, Chemicals Management We test products to our proprietary protocols, which include chemical, safety, and quality compliance with federal and state regulations as well as various industry standards.
Management of Chemicals in Products
Discussion of processes to assess and manage risks and/or hazards associated with chemicals in products
Product, High-Quality, Safe Products Product, Chemicals Management We benchmark our restricted substances list against AAFA and AFIRM RSL lists, which are leading standards to promote best practice and advance the industry.
Labor Practices
1. Average hourly wage 2. Percentage of in-store employees earning minimum wage, by region
1. Carter’s does not publicly disclose information on wages at this time. 2. Carter’s does not publicly disclose information on wages at this time.
Labor Practices
1. Voluntary turnover rate for in-store employees 2. Involuntary turnover rate for in-store employees
1. 64% 2. Carter's does not disclose information on involuntary turnovers.
Labor Practices
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with labor law violations
Carter’s is an equal opportunity employer and seeks to comply with all labor and employment regulations where our employees are located. We respect current and former employees’ rights to raise labor concerns outside of our reporting systems. Carter’s defends alleged labor violations when resolution cannot be achieved with the other party. Carter’s has not, however, been found liable for labor law allegations by an administrative agency or legal tribunal during the period of this report.
Workforce Diversity & Inclusion
Percentage of gender and racial/ethnic group representation for: 1. Management 2. All other employees
People, Workplace Workforce Data
Workforce Diversity & Inclusion
Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with employment discrimination
Product Sourcing, Packaging & Marketing
Revenue from products third-party certified to environmental and/or social sustainability standards
We do not disclose sales figures for individual product lines.
Product Sourcing, Packaging & Marketing
Discussion of processes to assess and manage risks and/or hazards associated with chemicals in products
Product, Chemicals Management
Product Sourcing, Packaging & Marketing
Discussion of strategies to reduce the environmental impact of packaging
Product, Skip Hop’s Sustainable Innovations Planet, Packaging
Environmental Impacts in the Supply Chain
Percentage of supplier facilities in compliance with wastewater discharge permits and/or contractual agreement by: 1. Tier 1 2. Beyond Tier 1
1. 8% (YOY decline due to change in method of capturing data) 2. 40%
Environmental Impacts in the Supply Chain
Percentage of supplier facilities that have completed the Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) assessment or an equivalent environmental data assessment by: 1. Tier 1 2. Beyond Tier 1
1. 97% of Tier 1 2. 90% of Tier 2
Labor Conditions in the Supply Chain
Percentage of supplier facilities a that have been audited to a labor code of conduct by: 1. Tier 1 2. Beyond Tier 1 3. And percentage of total audits conducted by a third-party auditor
Product, Responsible Sourcing 1. 100% of Tier 1 Suppliers are audited to our Vendor Code. 2. 100 % of our Tier 2 3. 100%
Labor Conditions in the Supply Chain
Priority non-conformance rate and associated corrective action rate for suppliers’ labor code of conduct audits
In FY 2023, all but one active Tier 1 suppliers passed a compliance audit.
Labor Conditions in the Supply Chain
Description of the greatest risks in the supply chain by: 1. Labor 2. Environmental, health and safety
Product, Responsible Sourcing 1. We consider the greatest labor risks to be violations of our worker employment contracts, freedom of association, forced labor, and disciplinary practices. 2. We consider the greatest EHS risks to be machine safety, personal protective equipment, chemical storage and emergency preparedness.
Raw Materials Sourcing
1. List of priority raw materials; for each priority raw material 2. Environmental or social factor(s) most likely to threaten sourcing 3. Discussion on business risks or opportunities associated with environmental or social factors 4. Management strategy for addressing business risks and opportunities
Product, Our Sustainable Materials Journey Planet, Climate Risks and Opportunities Carter's Climate Risks and Opportunities Raw Materials Usage
Raw Materials Sourcing
1. Amount of priority raw materials purchased, by material 2. Amount of each priority raw material that is certified to a third-party environmental or social standard, by standard
Product, Our Sustainable Materials Journey Raw Materials Usage
Activity Metric
Number of: 1. Tier 1 suppliers 2. Suppliers beyond Tier 1
1. 85 Tier 1 Suppliers (126 active factories) 2. We expect to be able to report additional information regarding the outcomes of this process in the future.
Activity Metric
Number of 1. Retail locations 2. Distribution centers
1. 1,034 retail locations in North America 2. In the United States, we operate three distribution centers in Georgia: an approximately 1.1 million-square-foot multi-channel facility in Braselton, a 0.5 million square-foot facility in Stockbridge, and a 0.2 million-square-foot single-channel facility in Jonesboro. We outsource some distribution activities to third-party logistics providers located in California and leverage additional third-party providers in Georgia primarily for storage seasonally. Our distribution center activities include receiving finished goods from our vendors, inspecting those products, preparing them for retail and wholesale presentation, and shipping them to our wholesale customers, retail stores, and eCommerce customers. Internationally, we operate directly or outsource our distribution activities to third-party logistics providers in Canada, China, Mexico, and Vietnam to support shipment to the United States, as well as our international wholesale accounts, international licensees, international eCommerce operations, and Canadian and Mexican retail store networks.
Activity Metric
Total area of 1. Retail locations 2. Distribution centers
1. Total retail space: approx. 4.6M square feet 2. Total distribution centers: approx. 1.7M square feet