about carter's
ESG Governance
ESG Governance
Board Level Oversight
Board Level Oversight
Our Board of Directors provides oversight of management and our business. All members of the Board are independent, except for our Chairman, CEO Michael D. Casey. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee provides oversight of the Company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives through quarterly or more frequent progress reviews. These reviews include assessments of ongoing efforts related to climate change management, global supply chain compliance, diversity and inclusion (D&I), and product sustainability, among other topics.
Management Oversight
Management Oversight
Our SVP, General Counsel, Secretary, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and Chief Compliance Officer, who reports directly to our Chairman, CEO, and President, has responsibility for the Company’s ESG, D&I, and Compliance programs.
In 2023, we introduced a strategic objectives component to our annual cash incentive compensation program that included two ESG-related goals for the 2023 fiscal year.
- Grow our Little Planet brand
- Expand multicultural customer acquisition
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
ESG Roles and Responsibilities
ESG Roles and Responsibilities