about carter's

Pushing the Industry Forward

Our memberships in the following trade associations allow Carter’s to partner with our peers and focus on solutions for complex issues within the retail and apparel industry. This involvement provides us with meaningful insights that allow us to influence and innovate by working together to build consensus on matters that are important to our business, such as impending regulation and sustainability.

American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA)

The AAFA represents more than 1,000 global brands on matters related to public policy in the apparel and footwear industry, its management, and shareholders. Our membership with AAFA allows Carter’s to have a seat at the table in navigating the industry’s complex regulatory landscape. Carter’s has been a member of AAFA since 1970.

Cascale (formerly the Sustainable Apparel Coalition)

We are proud to be a member of Cascale – a global, multi-stakeholder nonprofit alliance for the fashion industry. We join 300 members working together to reduce environmental impact and promote social justice across the value chain. Through our membership, we gain insights on how to best manage environmental resources in the manufacturing of our products and continue to challenge ourselves to create a more sustainable future. Carter’s has been a member of Cascale since 2021.

National Retail Federation (NRF)

The National Retail Federation (NRF) is the world’s largest retail trade association that enables retail success through bringing together people, policies, and ideas. Carter’s Chief Information Officer, Ben Pivar, is a member of the NRF’s CIO Council, and our Chief InfoSec Officer, Kemper Seay, is a member of the CISO Council. Carter's membership allows us to benefit from NRF's intelligence-sharing community and platform.


Nirapon is a member-led organization committed to helping its members’ factories create a sustainable culture of safety by providing guided and supported maintenance, monitoring, and reporting processes. To date, approximately 37 of our suppliers participate in these efforts, including the Worker Helpline, which impacts approximately 95,000 workers.

RILA – Retail Industry Leaders Association

The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) is a U.S. trade association that partners with leading retailers, like Carter’s, to meet the challenges of a dynamic economy. Through collaboration and thought leadership, the group advances ideas that foster free markets, competition, economic growth, and sustainability.