disclosure index

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index

Statement of Use
Carter’s Inc. has reported in accordance with the GRI standard for the period January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023.
GRI 1 Used
GRI 1: Foundation 2021
2: General Disclosures
Organizational details
About This Report Carter’s, Inc. 2023 Form 10-K
Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting
Carter’s, Inc. 2023 Form 10-K
Reporting period, frequency, and contact point
About This Report We intend to continue to publish a CSR report annually. Questions and comments may be addressed to CSR@carters.com.
Restatements of information
We now have better visibility and more accurate data regarding our diverse supplier spend and have updated our 2022 value to reflect these findings. Further information can be found in our Diversity and Inclusion section.
External assurance
Our performance disclosures on Scope 1 GHG emissions, Scope 2 GHG emissions, water, and waste for 2021, 2022, and 2023 have undergone independent limited assurance carried out by a third party. See our Independent Limited Assurance Statement
Activities, value chain, and other business relationships
About Carter’s, Carter's at a Glance About Carter’s, Our Family of Brands About Carter’s, Our Global Value Chain Planet, Energy and Emissions Product, Responsible Sourcing
People, Diversity & Inclusion
Workers who are not employees
Workforce Data
Governance structure and composition
About Carters, ESG Governance Carter’s Inc. 2023 Annual Report
Nomination and selection of the highest governance body
Carter’s, Inc. 2023 Annual Report
Chair of the highest governance body
Carter’s, Inc. 2023 Annual Report
Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts
About Carter’s, ESG Governance Our Board of Directors provides oversight of management and our business.
Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts
About Carter’s, ESG Governance We have developed a strategic plan that reflects, in part, the goals and initiatives disclosed in this report. The CSR team is responsible for the execution of our Raise the Future strategy, which is based on our Company purpose, and the ESG Council meets quarterly to review progress. Because the SVP, General Counsel, Secretary, CSR, and Chief Compliance Officer serves on the Company’s Leadership Team, other executives receive information and updates regularly.
Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting
About Carter’s, ESG Governance Our SVP, General Counsel, Secretary, CSR and Chief Compliance Officer, reports directly to our Chairman and CEO.
Conflicts of interest
The Company has a Conflicts of Interest and Gift Policy that is communicated to employees annually. The policy includes detailed requirements for reporting violations or suspected misconduct, including, but not limited to, anonymous reporting telephonically via phone numbers provided for various locations where the Company and/or its distributors operate, as well as anonymous reporting via dedicated (and attended) email addresses and online via the Carter's Ethics Hotline. Upon receipt of a report of a suspected violation of the policy, the Company is required to launch a prompt and thorough investigation, and the Company will, as needed, escalate any such investigation to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.
Communication of critical concerns
There were no critical concerns reported in 2023. When there are critical concerns, the Audit Committee and, if needed, the Board are informed pursuant to established reporting lines, processes, and procedures, including, but not limited to, the Company's Fraud Policy."
Collective knowledge of the highest governance body
About Carter’s, ESG Governance The Board’s Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee provides oversight of the Company’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives through quarterly or more frequent reviews of progress. These reviews include assessments of ongoing efforts related to climate change, global supply chain compliance, diversity and inclusion (D&I), and product sustainability, among other issues.
Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body
Carter’s, Inc. 2023 Annual Report
Process to determine remuneration
Carter’s, Inc. 2023 Annual Report
Carter’s, Inc. 2023 Annual Report
Annual total compensation ratio
Carter’s, Inc. 2023 Annual Report
Statement on sustainable development strategy
A Message from Our CEO
Policy commitments
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Embedding policy commitments
Product, Responsible Sourcing
Process to remediate negative impacts
Product, Responsible Sourcing
Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns
We encourage anyone who has concerns about the behavior of any employee—including senior leaders as it relates to compliance with applicable laws—or unethical behavior of any kind to report the issue to our Ethics Hotline, which can be done anonymously. Our Ethics Hotline is monitored by an independent company that provides a dedicated phone line and internet site for anonymous communication of any questions or concerns to a trained specialist, 24 hours a day. Users of the Hotline are assigned an identification number and security code so that they can follow up on their report later. A written notice of each report is sent to the Chief Compliance Officer, who provides updates to the Leadership Team and the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors as warranted. All reports are investigated. Resolution for substantiated cases can include termination of employees found to have violated our Code of Ethics.
ethics hotline.svg
Compliance with laws and regulations
Carter’s does not publicly disclose matters related to non-compliance.
Membership associations
Pushing the Industry Forward Partnering for Worker Well-being
Approach to stakeholder engagement
About Carter’s, ESG Governance About Carter’s, Our ESG Strategy Both internal and external stakeholders across our employees, investors, wholesalers, suppliers, and community partners were engaged via interviews and online surveys.
Collective bargaining agreement
We have zero employees covered by collective bargaining agreements.
Process to determine material topics
Our ESG Strategy
List of material topics
Climate Change Management and Employee Safety were not found to be top priorities based on the results of our 2023-24 ESG materiality assessment. However, they remain integrated into many parts of our business, including other priority topics like Sourcing, as this report shows. Additionally, Consumer Behavior has been elevated to a priority topic.
201: Economic Performance
Management of material topic
Carter’s, Inc. 2023 Annual Report
Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change
Planet, Climate Risks and Opportunities Carter's Climate Risks and Opportunities
301: Materials
Management of material topic
Product, Our Sustainable Materials Journey
Recycled input materials used
Product, Our Sustainable Materials Journey Raw Materials Usage
308: Supplier Environmental Assessment
Management of material topic
We intend to source only from suppliers that use the Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Higg Facility Environmental Module (Higg FEM) by 2025.
New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria
Tier 1 suppliers are currently evaluated on social and environmental criteria. We intend, by 2025, to source only from Tier 1 suppliers that use the Higg FEM.
401: Employment
Management of material topic
Benefits & Well-being
New employee hires and employee turnover
Workforce Data
Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees
Workforce Data
404: Training and Education
Management of material topic
People, Career Development
Average hours training per year per employee
People, Career Development
Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs
People, Career Development
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews
Total percentage of employees who received a regular review is 98% and gender is the following percentages1: • Female – 81% • Male – 12% • Not Declared – 7%
405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Management of material topic
People, Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity of governance bodies and employees
Workforce Data
408: Child Labor
Management of material topic
Product, Responsible Sourcing
Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor
Product, Responsible Sourcing
409: Forced or Compulsory Labor
Management of material topic
Product, Responsible Sourcing
Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor
Product, Responsible Sourcing
414: Supplier Social Assessment
Management of material topics
Product, Responsible Sourcing
New suppliers that were screened using social criteria
Product, Responsible Sourcing
416: Customer Health and Safety
Management of material topic
Product, High-Quality, Safe Products Product, Chemicals Management
Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories
Product, High-Quality, Safe Products Product, Chemicals Management
Consumer Behavior
Management of material topic
People, Diversity and Inclusion
Consumer Behavior
People, Diversity and Inclusion
1 All eligible employees hired on or before October 1, 2023 and excludes contractors and temporary employees.