Career Development
Our commitment to invest in people is one of our core values of who we are at Carter’s. This is demonstrated in part by the programs and opportunities we offer to develop and engage our people for future career growth.
Accelerated Development Program
Accelerated Development Program
The Accelerated Development Program (ADP) is a formal 12-month program that supports high-potential leaders in strengthening their leadership skills. Participants take part in assessments, 360° feedback, leadership roundtables, and networking and mentorship opportunities. In 2023, we expanded the program’s focus from advanced leaders (director-level and above) to include emerging leaders (manager-level talent) as a direct result of our employee engagement feedback and action plans to accelerate career growth of our managers.

2023 ADP Participants
2023 ADP Participants
My experience in the ADP program has been amazing! I love working for a company that truly invests in their people so that we can all succeed together. The 360° feedback highlights strengths and opportunities and the smaller coaching sessions are more intimate, which allows you to build stronger relationships, brainstorm ideas, and share experiences with other team members within the organization.”
Kerry Soares, Senior Buyer, eCommerce - Canada
Emerging Leader Participant
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed and learned a great deal about leadership in my participation in the ADP program. I’ve learned specific strengths and blind spots I may have and was able to receive coaching from a senior leader. I’ve also enjoyed connecting with a broad and diverse group of leaders across the organization through our ADP class and have strengthened connections with my mentors.”
Allen Lo, Senior Director, Marketing & Customer Analytics
Advanced Leader Participant
Executive Development Program
Executive Development Program
The Executive Development Program (EDP) is a formal six-month program for recent college graduates in entry-level roles. EDP supports participants in their transition from campus life to the corporate world. The program provides participants with hands-on work experience through full-time positions and fosters cross-functional learning opportunities to increase their understanding of the Company and our products.
Mentor Partnership Program
Mentor Partnership Program
We have a culture of people helping people. Mentor Partnerships is a global signature program that supports our value of investing in our talent by offering professional guidance and opportunities to learn from each other. With nearly 400 participants from six countries, 2023 saw our highest level of participation.
Since 2019, the Mentor Partnership Program has grown over 63% with a record number of participants in 2023.
Field Manager Development
Field Manager Development
We continue to prioritize the development of our frontline retail store and distribution center leaders. Our field leadership development programs are designed for entry to senior-level field leaders. These programs focus on fast-tracking their leadership capabilities, creating a succession pipeline for key roles, and retaining our talent. In 2023, more than 200 field leaders participated in these programs.
In addition to our strategic development programs, we provide employees with opportunities to learn and grow regardless of their role. Employees have access to Carter's University, our internal learning and development program that provides various learning opportunities to meet our employees where they are. These classroom training online courses help our employees develop skills and knowledge relevant to their roles, as well as leadership and managerial skills for career advancement within the company.
Total Number of Training Hours16
Employees Participating16
Average Hours of Training per Employee
16 Numbers have been rounded to the nearest hundred value.